Test bench for investigations of aerospace materials and electronic components

Druh výsledku
článek ve sborníku
The paper presents the materials used in the aerospace industry and introduces an automated test bench for investigations of these materials' electrical properties. The test bench is also designed for investigation aviation
electronic components, especially from the point of view of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). The test bench contains various measuring instruments, which are connected to a computer (workstation). The designed program running on the computer oversees identifying connected instruments, creating communication channels to the connected instruments, controlling them to conduct required measurement or testing, and obtaining the measuring results. Instrument controls are realized using Standard Command for Programmable Instrument (SCPI) commands. The program also provides a friendly, easy-touse Graphical User Interface (GUI), which simplifies the experiment process. The program is designed in MATLAB development environments and add-on application MATLAB App Designer with toolboxes Instrument Control Toolbox and Signal Processing Toolbox
Klíčová slova
Aerospace materials, electronic components, electromagnetic compatibility, MATLAB, SCPI